Hello Rik! Yes, it is true, becose the signal from BBC broadcasting was poorer as well. I am sure, condx will be better. ![Veselý obličej Veselý obličej]()
Lubos, OK2BVG
From: [email protected]To: [email protected]Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:30:00 +0200 Subject: LF: RE: OK2BVG_DJ1ZB
Hello Lubos,
compared to the previous nights condx were rather poor, your signal was 2-3 s-points down (s5 instead of s8).
But it was the last day of summer ;-) ... so condx will certainly improve over the next weeks / months.
73, Rik ON7YD
Hello !
I had heard you calling on 3572, so I was transmitting for you in QRSS3 mode but no answer. May be latter.