It seems that lawmakers or/and journalists do not understand the difference between:
a. milli and mega (who cares about ratio of 1000000000)
b. power and energy (but that difference is subtle if time is not relevant)
I know even a better one:
In order to reduce the "radiation hazard" to children a city council member (green party) suggested to limit the height of GSM antenna towers in a radius of 100m arround schools to 10m.
73, Rik ON7YD
Extract from Daily Telegraph ( A leading UK newspaper
“Green Taxes”
“Under the scheme any company or public sector organisation that uses more than 6000milliwatts (mwh ) a year –a power bill of about £500,000, must register
it’s energy use by the end of September.”
QRP from now on ?
73 Mike GW4HXO.