Dear friends!
As you have maybe noticed, the OK0EMW beacon was off for the whole last week, I was on vacation and didn’t want to keep it running unattended (storms).
Well, I am back and I have a couple of a good news for all you 600m enthusiasts:
- Permission for OK0EMW beacon was prolonged, so I can keep it alive and kicking for the next „year“, that means up to the 13th August 2011. Luckily there is no jamming caused by the beacon nor
any complaints about its operation and it’s transmission is monitored by several amateurs within EU region. That is why I was able to obtain the licence extension.
- With big thanks to the executive staff from The Czech Telecommunication Office (CTU) and also to the beacon operation coordinator (OK1HH)
from the Czech Radio Club (CRK), I was granted very special permission for experimental amateur transmission for the OK2BVG station:
BAND: 501 – 504kHz
PWR: 20W Max. E.R.P.
Valid to: 1.9.2011
On the 13th September 2010, at 20:00 UT I will begin with slow CW (QRSS3) transmission on 501.900kHz! I will use PWR = 1W ERP (TX and ANT of beacon OK0EMW).
Since this is for the first time some amateur from OK region is allowed to operate at 600m, each call will be somewhat unique. And of course all monitoring reports are more than welcome!
In case of storms or QRN the launch will be delayed until a weather settles.
Lubos, OK2BVG, JN88KS