my fieldday operation of DI2AN and VLF-tests were not very successful. After
one day struggling with wind and rain I called a friend who brought his kite.
We could manage to bring about 100m of wire in the air. A first
walk-around-test on 8,97kHz with my ELF-RX was highly promising. I decided to
test on 500kHz and later on 8,97 kHz. Just as I wanted to announce the tests
here on the reflector I watched out of our tent. I wanted to see the kite still
up. But it was down. No wind for the next 48 hours. But that's another story.
Just to drink and forget.
Now I have started to reinstall DI2AN. I will make some changes within the next
days and weeks. And I would like everyone who can arrange it to make captures
so we can make a befor/after story for the single improvement steps.
For the next (maybe) 24 hours I am transmitting QRSS10 with my old antenna and
Tomorrow I will change to the new tunable coil.
After that I hope to improve the antenna.
Then the transmitter matching will be improved.
And in the near future I will get a new PA from a NDB transmitter.
The setup today is still the quick and dirty installation made in spring. Now
that the weather is perfect for outdoor work - not too wet and not too warm - I
just have to find the time. But that's another story, too.
vy73 Horst DO1KHS/DI2AN
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