Hi Daniele,
Yes, the sferic blanking and / or clipping can be done in Spectrum
Lab, too. Paul uses his on Linux-based toolchain of analysis
programs, but the principle is very similar. What I will add for the
noiseblanker / clipper is an extra bandpass filter, so the hum can
be removed before building the average (for the threshold). The
blanker / clipper can be activated in any of the "DSP blackboxes" in
the circuit window.
The tricky part, and this is explained in Paul's article, is finding
the optimum setting for the threshold-above-average, which depends
on the characteristics of the sferics. More details later.
Wolf .
Am 04.08.2010 15:47, schrieb Daniele Tincani:
Hello VLF,
results of what Pauls calls an "effective sferic blanking"
look really interesting. Where could it be be possible to
learn more about this kind of noise blanking and its
implementation? For example, can it be obtained by SW in