OK Mal, you win, I'll give up and sit on a repeater somewhere or
better still use Echolink, then I could sell all my radios.
Only trouble is, I can't do that as my amateur licence states that I
can install, maintain, work and use apparatus for the sole
purpose of conducting experiments and engaging in self training
in wireless telegraphy.
I can't see anything on my licence where it says that once I have
cracked a particular band I can then sit on that frequency for ever
and waffle to all and sundry ... I believe that's what 11 metres is
73 de Tony, EI8JK
On 11/08/2010 18:24, mal hamilton wrote:
Lots of figures appearing on here
at present are guesswork and misleading. This has happened in
the past trying to guess who was running what power, then the
conclusion was + or - 6 to 10 dB wich is nonsense ie could be
!W or 4W or !W or 10W. For those complaining about no room for
large antennas, use the best elevated antenna you can get up
and run several K/Watts to achieve the required ERP.
Earth antennas have also been
tested in the past are only useful for Cave radio
communications, the wheel keeps being reinvented here on LF.