Now, DHO38 is back in regular operation. It seems they have improved the
antenna or so, since the signal is about 6 dB stronger here! :-)
73, Stefan
Von: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org im Auftrag von Stefan Schäfer
Gesendet: Mi 23.06.2010 11:55
An: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org
Betreff: Re: VLF: DHO38
Wow, DHO38 is on air now and seems to transmit a CW carrier. This
carrier is 60 dB (!) above noise in 1,46 Hz (without NB) on my grabber.
The strongest far field signal i ever saw on VLF :-)
Have they made QRO or is it just because all the power is now
concentrated in a narrow spectrum, i.e. single line?
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 22.06.2010 09:08, schrieb pws:
> Hi Stefan,
> You wrote:
>> ... I have never seen such a long break yet...
> Wait for Christmas. Last/this year DHO38 was off from 2009-12-18 to
> 2010-01-04...
> Peter, df3lp