I have no receiver for SSB on 500kHz. But I could see (and hear) a trace at 505,18 kHz several times today at about 15 UTC.
I installed the program and heard the signal from my soundcard in different modes. I do not think, there ist a mode that makes a signal with just one frequency. But don't beat me: As I do not konow much about ROS I am not sure about that.
Maybe it was your signal. So have a look.
JO30OT, RX:selective level meter Präcitronic MV-62, T-Antenna 10h/20t with L for 500kHz.
vy73 Horst DO1KHS
Von: Gary - G4WGT <[email protected]> Gesendet: 30.04.2010 13:15:10 An: [email protected] Betreff: Re: LF: ROS beacon 503.600kHz
Hi Graham, Rik, LF,
Thanks to all for the reports & feedback.
Graham, the correct text string is :-
So the 22:20 & 22:25 frames were the correct full text. The 22:30 frame appears to have decoded the space as a full stop (period) symbol.
But very good results considering the method.
Rik, it seems that the majority of the version updates are to implement users suggestions, so being a new mode there have been lots of ideas from operators of ROS.
Gary - G4WGT
On 30 April 2010 10:51, Graham <[email protected]> wrote:
Using the Dutch web-sdr about 400 miles , ROS decoded this ...... 2230 looks like the full text string ? no audio from the speaker or as far as I could see no trace on the waterfall .......
G ..
RX1: <21:15 UTC> <6.8 Hz> /*$F9G4WW 4E424+O9000J \W39Z)CIR+B,$ <CANCEL> <-30 dB> RX1: <21:50 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TEST G4WGTEG3]Y]O <STOP> <-31 dB> RX1: <21:55 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TESG4WGT IO83QO <STOP> <-29 dB> RX1: <22:00 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TEST G4WGTOIO83QO <STOP> <-31 dB> RX1: <22:05 UTC> <6.8 Hz> $ESTQE]WGT+IO83QO <STOP> <-31 dB> RX1: <22:10 UTC> <6.8 Hz> ]EST G4WGT IO83QO <STOP> <-32 dB> RX1: <22:15 UTC> <7.3 Hz> :EST G4WGT IO83QO <STOP> <-31 dB>
RX1: <22:20 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TEST G4WGT IO83QO <STOP> <-28 dB> RX1: <22:25 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TEST G4WGT IO83QO <STOP> <-29 dB> RX1: <22:30 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TEST G4WGT.IO83QO <STOP> <-29 dB> RX1: <22:35 UTC> <6.8 Hz> TESTEW4WGT IO83QO <STOP> <-30 dB>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: LF: ROS beacon 503.600kHz
Not able to reply to any calls from now but the beacon will continue until about 2300utc.
I will resume tests tomorrow (Friday) night & increase power for greater distance.
Gary - G4WGT
On 29 April 2010 20:18, Gary - G4WGT <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi LF,
I am increasing the PTT loop timer to provide a 5 minute increment of the beacon.
This will give operators lots of time to create a reply or call. My beacon will stop & notify me if a reply or call is made.
Gary - G4WGT.
On 29 April 2010 19:27, Gary - G4WGT <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi LF,
I am transmitting ROS v3.4.8 data software in EME mode using the PTT loop timer set for 1 minute.
Dial is 502.050 kHz USB
Frequency is 503.600 kHz
Tx power is 1 watt
ERP estimated at 4mW
Reports, comments & QSO attempts most welcome.
Gary - G4WGT.
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