Thanks for the advice. It looks like I have probably got it right.
The DDS mod just moves the frequency up or down one step, which gives
me 0.25Hz shift which is OK for QRSS30 or 60, or 2.5Hz which will
work for QRSS3.
73 de Mike
> Well, i don't think i am an "DFCW expert" but i often use it ;-)
> How have you modified your DDS to allow you to transmit DFCW? I have
> done the same before a few weeks and it works quiete fine. The DFCW
> shift is given by the RS232 level of the QRS program. This allows one
> increment or decrement. So my shift is 50mHz, 0,5Hz, 5Hz and so on,
> since i use a f/2 divider in the PA ;-)
> I normally specify the frequency of the dash, so the dot is on the
> loswer frequency with the given shift.
> Yes, ON7YD's QRS is also still my favorite. Just works fine...
> I also use double space but additionally i choose "ommit redundant key
> gaps". This is all a litte "matter of taste", just like the 1:3 ratio
> in CW (hand given). ON VLF in DFCW-120 i think i will chosse "single
> space" if i will ever make a QSO there ;-)
> Wish you fun there above on 136 kHz ;-)
> 73, Stefan/DK7FC
> ________________________________
> Von: im Auftrag von Mike Dennison
> Gesendet: So 11.04.2010 16:13 An:
> Betreff: LF: DFCW
> After many years of using QRSS, I have been spurred into modifying my
> DDS to give me DFCW capability for the first time.
> Would experienced DFCW operators please give me the benefit of their
> experience?
> If you are specifying a frequency, do you quote the Dash, Dot or
> centre frequency?
> I am using ON7YD's 'QRS' software and it seems that the clearest
> signal is given by the following settings:
> "DFCW double space"
> "Key Gap 1s" (for 3sec dots)
> This gives a good visible gap between characters and a small gap
> between elements.
> It looks like the signal might be clearer when using 4s dots.
> What do the experts think?
> Mike, G3XDV
> ==========
> It looks like