Hello LF! I listend on 511.500kHz in WSPR mode last night. My first written record was at 23:32UT WE2XGR/6
2332 -29 0.7 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
so it was continue and than I saw WE2XGR/6 and /2
0204 -24 0.8 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
0302 -26 -0.4 0.511551 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
0304 -25 0.7 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
and than I saw WE2XGR/6 only:
0404 -20 0.8 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
0432 -19 0.6 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
0504 -19 0.8 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
My last written record was at 06:24UT:
0624 -28 -0.5 0.511500 0 WE2XGR (BadMsg)
I saw WE2XGR/6 many times during the night, it is the short list only.
73! Lubos, OK2BVG, JN88KS
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