despite some of you might have heard about the following news, I was very
surprised and I am looking forward to this event:
DDH47 147.3 khz in QRSS 3
In Honor of Nobelprize Winner Marconi and Prof. Ferdinand Braun a special
transmission will be Date:
10. Dec 2009 Time: Start 2300 UTC
Frequ. 147,3 kc Mode:
PWR: 20 kW
The weather forcast transmitter Pinneberg DDH47 will stop RTTY ( 50 Bd)
transmission in between 10. Dec 2300h UTC and 11. Dec 001 UTC In this timegap,
the TX will be used for a special event transmission. Short words in QRRS 3
will be transmitted. After the transmission You may confirm the receiving at a
shortwave frequency or via Internet ( QRG and adress will be given later) You
may check propagation every day / night at 147,3 Kc DDH47, because the TX is
working 24 Hours
vy73 Horst DO1KHS
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