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Re: LF: Re: tonight - WOLF10 test

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: tonight - WOLF10 test
From: John P-G <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 21:04:23 +0000
In-reply-to: <F9667C5394ED4E6CB4A4A6289FEDFF40@JimPC>
References: <[email protected]> <F9667C5394ED4E6CB4A4A6289FEDFF40@JimPC>
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James Moritz wrote:
Dear Lawrence, John, LF group,

Thanks for monitoring the Wolf beacon last night.

The beacon is now (1846utc) running again in standard WOLF10 mode on 503.500kHz - all being well, it will be going overnight. Any reports will be very welcome.

Jim, LF

Thanks Lawrence for the tip re: samplerate calibration.

I've just started monitoring and find the following...

2009-09-09 20:55:49 >WOLF10  -r 7997.017 -f 1000 -t 1.0 -w 0.0000
t:  24 f: 0.276 a:-0.3 dp: 82.2 ci:14 cj:277 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t:  48 f: 0.280 a:-0.5 dp: 85.8 ci:15 cj:277 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t:  96 f: 0.285 a: 1.3 dp: 92.6 ci: 0 cj:276 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 192 f: 0.283 pm:762.8 jm:407 q:  8.1  8.3 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 288 f: 0.283 pm: 4746 jm:407 q: 12.1 12.2 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 384 f: 0.283 pm: 7531 jm:407 q: 14.8 15.3 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 480 f: 0.283 pm: 9261 jm:408 q: 15.5 15.8 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -

Now I suppose I should start reading around the subject to learn how to interpret the information!

Cheers all


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