Very good Mal - wish I could throw some RF out back at you but kinda dodgy from 7000kms away with the dry season in Alaska - must be one of only a few hobbies where a fire extinguisher is needed whilst transmitting Im a receiver only but it would be great to hear or see your signal.
The path to Eu is right over the Alaska and Talkeetna ranges so whose knows, but certainly more difficult at 500 than 137 - just the way of it I guess. - the K9AY on LF/MF is E/W firing and very quiet, well, pretty quiet but I have more work to do.
Still a bit light even at night but things accerlerate darkness wise and we have nearly 6 mins shorter days now and snow already on the local mountains just a couple of Clicks away. Let me know where you are going to fire up - grabs would be and if I hear you audibly Ill record it.
Here in China is definately still summer and high qrm from that storm system to the N of Japan and storms to my South. Best dx from here on 500 is Shanghai radio would you believe some 1000kms to my South. 500K qrm is 30 over at the moment and obviously worse on 137...
Looks like Ill be in KH6 in late Sept and XE in early Nov, and back in KL7 for Christmas and new year - work wise so more opportunities -
5ookHz still active here and XSV just did a 19 mins past the hour TTT nav bcst. Their transmitter was just about unreadble and same for their other transmitters - all need a bit of work.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:26:05 +0100 Subject: LF: Re: 137 + 500
I am geared for all bands so will fire up on QRS 3 on 500 khz soon and what is ur HF FREQ?
Will let u know in advance as requested.
I can work UA9, UA0 and JA on 160m on a 3/8 wave inv L so with my 1/4 wave inv L on 500 I should make it on that band.
73 de
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 10:29 AM
Subject: LF: 137 + 500
Chaps if you are going to run QRSS or other interesting modes let me know in advance and Ill turn the Chinese and Alaskan receivers on to LF - same for MF - I need to know some hours before given the time difference between the US/EU and where Im plonked at the moment. I have remote control of the KL7 (actually KL1) R75 + K9AY (cant stear it yet remotely but will sometime). The Alaskan system is set up for CW/Argo/WOLF/ - I can listen to the audio here via Skype unless its blocked as it is sometimes ![]() Nice and quiet now up there now but fearsome noisy down here in China at the moment have a nice day - receivers up on HF at the moment. Laurence KL1 X in BY3A
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