I am geared for all bands so will fire up on QRS 3 on 500
khz soon and what is ur HF FREQ?
Will let u know in advance as requested.
I can work UA9, UA0 and JA on 160m on a 3/8 wave
inv L so with my 1/4 wave inv L on 500 I should make it on that
73 de
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 10:29
Subject: LF: 137 + 500
Chaps if you are going to run QRSS or other
interesting modes let me know in advance and Ill turn the Chinese and Alaskan
receivers on to LF - same for MF - I need to know some hours before
given the time difference between the US/EU and where Im plonked at the
moment. I have remote control of the KL7 (actually KL1) R75
+ K9AY (cant stear it yet remotely but will sometime). The Alaskan system
is set up for CW/Argo/WOLF/ - I can listen to the audio here via Skype unless
its blocked as it is sometimes ![]() Nice and quiet now up there now but fearsome noisy down
here in China at the moment have a nice day - receivers up
on HF at the moment. Laurence KL1 X in
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