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Re: LF: RE: Who's playing on 503.7

Subject: Re: LF: RE: Who's playing on 503.7
From: Andy Talbot <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:21:14 +0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:received:in-reply-to:references :x-goomoji-body:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=eSLGzKu6I7Nm79D4KNCT9c2Aa/ilcyvC5OV/u5SUY7o=; b=TWP0ZFmZGwEsssb/azXksea9Avj+5GLhcn6kzzO280EeEoc8k1FAZTTmZ6re9s/IRQ n7u5VX2Ks3BjtnP0oXpImrLca/g/nOhdeUYGOQapc/sx2HDFsLkUWQzMUhED3k/PvWwB jYz0UvJ1FY6BO89L1ZX3tfwVvJbuKXBIW+HEs=
Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:x-goomoji-body:date:message-id :subject:from:to:content-type; b=BkDFZOeQyBkq1p5YtO385/UMEi8iOwqIrGYCcfteHQJO+kHjis4aBJUTPFmIM3SQFv qwZ7xRoOfcYbjAnx2j1cxgOgKIO8ju9TRx7r5EIetvUpdbllDnyOpxAGmqh8L2QTTu1P +r52qcO9RQZkLWf0jqwdS69+bI+jFkCv2TXsQ=
Domainkey-status: good (testing)
In-reply-to: <005501c9a73b$dd0b8ac0$6401a8c0@asus>
References: <> <005501c9a73b$dd0b8ac0$6401a8c0@asus>
I filled in a couple at 1800, deliberately, by flicking the test switch on my beacon Tx.   But there are too many peaks on the green annd blue traces to not suspect someone else is firing up a Tx.
Its not a case of false decodes - there's not such thing as a 'decode' with this monitoring S/W.   All it does is to measure the signal power over precisely  this time slot, using a synchronised FFT with a bin size of 0.2Hz, which after windowing gives about 0.4Hz noise bandwidth.  So any QRM would have to be quite strong to make a significant impact, and persist over 5 seconds.   Short spikes get  averaged out to not-a-lot.
Did the messages about the modified beacon timing software get though this reflector - don't appear to see them in the in box?
If not, at the bottom look for PCBCN

Andy  G4JNT

2009/3/17 Gary - G4WGT <>

Hi Andy, LF,


I have not detected anything here other than your Tx.


I was going to e-mail anyway because I have some false decodes on the 5 & 6 minute slots, see list below. These coincide with high bursts of noise which I experience here from time to time. Is there an issue with the decode software being “foxed” by high noise level?


Gary – G4WGT.


15:45  40.35  25.76  -240.0  0.0

15:46  41.05  25.76  -240.0  1499.5

15:47  39.52  25.76  -240.0  0.0

16:00  41.70  25.75  -240.0  1499.5

16:01  41.62  25.75  -240.0  1510.6

16:02  31.49  25.75  -240.0  0.0

16:15  40.10  25.47  -240.0  0.0

16:16  30.16  25.47  -240.0  0.0

16:17  29.17  25.47  -240.0  0.0

16:30  37.85  28.93  -240.0  0.0

16:31  41.80  28.93  -240.0  0.0

16:32  36.23  28.93  -240.0  0.0

16:45  40.98  25.80  -240.0  1499.6

16:46  29.45  25.80  -240.0  0.0

16:47  30.17  25.80  -240.0  0.0

17:00  35.23  25.58  -240.0  0.0

17:01  28.35  25.58  -240.0  0.0

17:02  35.28  25.58  -240.0  0.0

17:15  45.32  25.10  -240.0  1499.4

17:16  30.14  25.10  -240.0  0.0

17:17  27.57  25.10  -240.0  0.0

17:30  51.09  25.30  -240.0  1499.5

17:31  53.16  25.30  -240.0  1499.6

17:32  30.18  25.30  -240.0  0.0

17:45  47.93  25.21  -240.0  1499.5

17:46  48.63  25.21  -240.0  1499.5

17:47  49.12  25.21  -240.0  1499.5

18:00  38.75  34.29  -240.0  0.0

18:01  32.01  34.29  -240.0  0.0

18:02  28.89  34.29  -240.0  0.0

18:15  51.36  26.01  -240.0  1499.6

18:16  38.85  26.01  -240.0  0.0

18:17  40.74  26.01  -240.0  0.0

18:30  43.06  24.96  -240.0  1499.5

18:31  29.24  24.96  -240.0  0.0

18:32  29.61  24.96  -240.0  0.0

18:45  36.98  26.26  -240.0  0.0

18:46  34.87  26.26  -240.0  0.0

18:47  36.14  26.26  -240.0  0.0

19:00  50.09  26.57  -240.0  1499.7

19:01  42.04  26.57  -240.0  1518.0

19:02  28.58  26.57  -240.0  0.0




From: [] On Behalf Of Andy Talbot
Sent: 17 March 2009 19:48
Subject: LF: Who's playing on 503.7


OK, Who is it?

We can see you

There's activity in the 5 and 6 minutes slots.



Andy  G4JNT

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