Hi Al - In Costa Rica it will be just outside Turrialba and in Abu Dhabi probably Shah....but starting off in Abu for a while... cheers
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 10:24:31 -0600 Subject: RE: LF: Costa Rica Ops TI3
Laurence do you know the city you will be ? Thanks Al XE2AT
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 00:15:06 -0900 Subject: LF: Costa Rica Ops TI3
Ill be running LF/MF rx operations from Costa Rica from appx 15-20th March 2009 from CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) Turrialba Centro Costa Rica whilst I refurb the HF commercial station there for Raleigh International, the Youth Development charity. I was last there in 2003 on LF http://www.kl1x.com/costa.jpg and this time I wont have the loop but will be using a probe - but Im expecting better things than last time as weve figured out a few tricks to improve the s/n/. Rx will be SDR IQ and PA0RDT probe plus LDF's, which are an easier transit as Ill be in and out via China - This location afforded an excellent path to Eu and Americas' on LF and even though we were surrounded by volcanic mountains I managed to work Argentina on 6m nearly every night last time around. The coasts arent that far away either side... I wont have Tx (I think) but call will be as then TI3/ KL 1 X From June or so this coming year it looks like Ill be working out of Abu Dhabi A61 for a while - no chance of a license there so it seems but will try to get the rx system on line. Laurence BY3A/ KL1 X, G4DMA
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