ZDR Lubomir & LF!
The 775 line- is a russian Chaika.
When we copy 775 in Moscow the good prop from east russia still present
as usual.
The 781 line was looked by RA3YO some time. We are don't know what is
* Lubos OK2BVG <[email protected]> [Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:26:57 +0100]:
Hello LF!
Does anybody know something about lines on the picture? They appear
every day after sunset and disappear with sunrise. They are very
and on the accurate frequency. I know lines from Loran-C, but these
lines are another else, I think.
Lubos, OK2BVG, JN88KS
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* "Unknown_lines.JPG"
Roman RW3ADB.