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LF: RE: 500KHz first Olivia QSO ???

To: <>
Subject: LF: RE: 500KHz first Olivia QSO ???
From: "Gary - G4WGT" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:55:27 -0000
In-reply-to: <00c301c96d20$5314e870$6401a8c0@asus>
References: <00c301c96d20$5314e870$6401a8c0@asus>
Thread-index: AcltIFJapfaXXAh3QEi5VAVj0lQlLQAATTPQ

Hi LF,


The previous Olivia mode I reported was 32 x 1000 (32 tones at 1000Hz bandwidth), then the operators changed to 8 x 250 (8 tones at 250Hz bandwidth)


This is what I decoded in the 8 x 250 Olivia mode after I sussed out how to set the new mode :-


ok jim .. copy looks ok so far  .. text speed is lower so mayb not have a big reduction in s/n ?? 


should of had a test tape to  send hihi .. but dident expect to get a data dx qso hihi


ok btu de g0nbd


'N3@<5&\E`Pd/7zNmL.K@v(c[mR:1<B7>e_F{9q<2t the on-line help it says speed in this mode is 14wpm against 24wpm, so not too bad if you consider it is using only a quarter of the bandwidth. Still faster than my CW anyway, hi hi. I suppose a possible attraction of a wider bandwidth is it might help with the selective fading, but quite hard to tell without a long beacon test. HW??? btu, graham, de m0bmu kkk


ok m0bmu de g0nbd


ok jim well that printed at 100 % as well but a little slower hihi


you had one deep fade out in qsb .. but most of the time the signal was over the noise ..


well  i dont know who picked up the beacon from my stn .. i dident post notes in the other news groups .... yahoo  multipsk and the digital group .. quite a stns have taken partin the past from those groups ..  no cw qrm as well hihi  .. are you still using the same power ?? i simply  changed modes .. all other setingd the same


btu  de g0nbd kkk


g0ndb de 0bmu fb again Graham, that was quite impressive, with the signal fading to nothing on the speaker and not visi't one waterfazseverap ti}s, but perhaps -por 5 characters corrupted overall. Yes, still using the same power here, just clicked on thode button on the screen and kept fingers crossed, hi. The digital modes do seem to generate quite a bit of interest outside LF Group circles, which can only be good thing, I think. The WSPR beacon sessions were good, with reports popping up from lots of unexpected places - will definitely be doing that again in the near future. Nw will have to say 73 cos I need to make new years phone call to some relations, so QRU? Graham??? de M0BMU kkkaf:



m0bmu de g0nbd


ok dr jim well .. looks like we have made the first 100% data dx qso ihhi


yes . when i have run tests in the past .. ive posted in other groups .. and had quite a lot of swl reports as well


ok well i wish you best 737373  happy new year ,


and thanks for taking some flack hihi 


but im not too worried .. hihi  as im sure i was not out side the band hiihi


ok well hope fully gary g4wgt will be active on these modes soon .. hes 95% sorted .. just needs some power ihi


ok 737373  and tnx fr the nice qso


m0bmu de g0nbd




bmu sk




Gary – G4WGT – IO83qp


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