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To: "rsgb" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: MF ACTY
From: "mal hamilton" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 18:41:07 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
For those interersted in MF acty, like having lots of QSO'S near and far, 160 metres is the ideal band, it is only a few hundred Khz away from 600metres. The 600m band has currenntly only 3 active amateurs in QSO mode in the UK and 1 in EU plus a few in the USA., this band could not be considered  an experimental MF band with so few participants, compared to 160 metres.
Since I frequently operate both bands I am in a position to compare propagation and can confirm that both are similar, the only anamoly in the UK is the premitted power is very low on 600 and puts the operator at a disadvantage, compared to 160.
When 600m started there was not any real enthusiasm, a few tried in the early days but have now emigrated to other bands and in fact can be heard frequently on 160m.
If the permitted power in the UK was increased to around 100w erp that would help the dedicated few but because of the reluctance of the majority of countries world wide to permit any operation on 500 the band will never really get going.
Look what has happened to 137 khz, now virtually no acty but at its peak a few years ago there was around 30 countries active. On 500 with only 3 countries around EU active and 4 operators the band is Doomed.
If anyone knows different state your case.
Stations working Beacon mode for what ever reason is not Amateur radio, more like uncontrolled QRM generators.
de mal/g3kev
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