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LF: G4WGT Grabber.

To: "LF -RSGB LF Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: G4WGT Grabber.
From: "Gary - G4WGT" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 16:37:46 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Thread-index: AckN2wLsDNdCh577RquTxlu7uMuhTg==

Hi LF,


I am modifying the 500KHz grabber at :-


When the SpecLab uploads restart at 1545utc the scroll speed will be increased showing a full screen every 6 minutes instead of  the usual 15 minutes. The uploads will be unchanged at 5 minute intervals which will give a small overlap, also auto refresh remains at 2 minutes.


Will users of the grabber please report to me via LF Group to tell me if the new scroll rate is better or worse for them than before. I will set the scroll rate according to results reported by users.





Gary - G4WGT - IO83QP.


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