With that small antenna you might be lucky if it is 0.1% efficient,
therefore to get 1w erp you need 1Kw less 2.6db ie 555 watts to the
feed point.
If you are using a linear pa at 50% eff you would need a DC input of 1.110
Kwatts or a class D at 70% eff 793 watts.
This is a rough estimate, other factors need consideration as explained
You probably know all about the subject anyway.
To measure the far field properly an airborne platform is necessary to get
clear run and avoid obstructions like buildings and trees etc. This is the
procedure used professionally. If you have a friend in the RAF this might
I was typing 'fields' into google and can across this , nicely framed by
the boys
from Liverpool
'A friend in the RAF' , Guess that's a new take on 'Aerial' measurements,
1.1 Kw dc input may be be 'pushing' things a little too far hihi
G ..