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RE: LF: Low long wires

To: <>
Subject: RE: LF: Low long wires
From: Laurence KL1X <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:09:12 -0900
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <BAY124-W258E1C64D525A687307FB5CF3E0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY124-W258E1C64D525A687307FB5CF3E0@phx.gbl>

"Does anyone else have experience against open space wires .v. in wooded areas? 
"...I should have said for the beverage or similar array only.



Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:04:25 -0900
Subject: LF: Low long wires

Ive only had partial success in low long wires up in Alaska - but my s/n 
failure was due to a 33Kv or more power line running parallel underground just 
a few feet below the array for most of the way - that and the variable speed 
drives from the local water pumping station which the power cable supplied.

Im going to put "down" or it is "up" a couple in a heavily birch wooded area in 
Alaska above moose antler height and they will be insulated off but supported 
by the trees. Ive just gained another painful acre so will have wires up to 
100m in length or so - I have silt sand and ground water at around 12 feet in 
depth close in by a freshish water (ice at the moment) lake.

So - question what effect will the trees have decoupling LF signals in this 
type of medium (?) Z array given the travelling wave aspect? Does anyone else 
have experience against open space wires .v. in wooded areas?  On the TX side I 
see this without a lot of  clearing as another large TX loop experience - just 
too many tall decoupling signal Birch for verticals at the moment.



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