I have at last got my station fully running again. Having been off
the air for a few months I notice much less Loran QRM which will make
CW contacts possible again. But more QRM from DCF39 data bursts which
makes QRSS harder.
Monitored last night and received the following (using Argo set to
30s slow) :
1800 - 1850 Unidentified station on 137.776kHz (who?)
1900 - 2000 UA4WPF 137.777.2kHz, 'O'
0610 - 0700 XKO 137.777.4kHz One complete call, 'O'
Very noisy overnight.
Will test my beacon on 136.318.7kHz this evening, but not overnight.
Hope to run an overnight beacon later this week. Please let me know
if this frequency causes anyone a problem.
de Mike, G3XDV