Hi, Peter.
I'll look out for you. If you could send at
6 wpm it might help, because I can wind the RX bandwidth right
G4GDR is calling CQ on 501.950, and M0BMU is
in DFCW beacon mode on 503.655. Somebody just sent "??" on 501.5, but I
didn't catch any callsign.
CUL perhaps!
73, Dave G3WCB
IO91RM (2205bst)
My nominal frequency is 502kHz (derived from a 3515kHz crystal divided by
7) and I was transmitting 12 wpm cw using MixW. I have never used QRSS
so I do not have a program for it. I will start sending about 10.30 until I
retire around 11-11.15.
At the moment I am monitoring a very weak signal on 501.5. Can just
see the trace on Spectran but can't decipher the cw as and it is too weak to
hear in the headphones.
CUL? Peter
In a message dated 27/06/2007 20:23:30 Greenwich Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
Hi, Peter.
I should be able to listen until about
11.30pm, then I'll be switching to 137.777 kHz to listen for VO1NA and
WD2XES. What frequency and mode will you be using? If you can run QRSS, then
I might stand a chance of hearing ("seeing") you, even if you are running
low power.
73, Dave G3WCB IO91RM nr Windsor, SE