Dear all,
monitor the Shangai grabber without having to
push the refresh button of your browser every minute:
- copy/paste the html code below into a ASCII
editor (such as notepad) and save it at any
convenient place on your HD (with .htm or .html extension)
- find this file with windows explorer (or my computer) and double-click on it
- this will open your default browser and the
picture will automatically refresh every minute
--------- begin code -------------
<!doctype html public "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
<title>Shanghai 500kHz grabber</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">
<img src="">
--------- end code ------------
73, Rik ON7YD
At 16:47 16/05/2007, you wrote:
Not having much luck at stable ftp loads of
argos/screen shots with snagit - so back to the
stable argo load - (Thanks Rick)
Ill have a window centered tonight on 505.100
qrss 3 (and listening)- and when Navtex at
-12dBm (ouch) isnt wiping the band it should paint ok.
Ill leave it on till China Shanghai dawn - the
antennae it popping over the top of the roof of
the hotel at 21 storeys high - (and Im on the 19th!)
More photos, more messages, more storage?get 2GB
with Windows Live Hotmail.