Good copy of the QRSS60 signal from UA4WPF sending "WPF" on 137.7772
kHz 19:00-19:40 UTC.
WD2XGJ showing up here about 20:30 UTC. Good copy untill 23:55. The
signal appeared again about 02:50, but only weak. Lost just after
03:00 UTC.
Nice reception of the WOLF10 signal from WD2XES 22:00-01:00 on
137.577kHz. After 01:00 the signal was much weaker and I decoded only
a few lines. The DFCW90 transmission on 137.779 was best between
05:00 and 09:00.
First signs of WD2XKO appeared here about 22:10. There was a lot of
fading on the signal. Best strength 06:00-07:00.
WD2XNS was visible here 05:00-09:00 with good peaks between deeper
fading periods.
Captures can be seen here:
Locator: JO52hp