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LF: RE: Tstorms in Singapore (no surprise there)

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: RE: Tstorms in Singapore (no surprise there)
From: "Gary - G4WGT" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 09:55:20 +0100
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Hi Laurence,
I have looked at my freq lists & there are 2 Datatrak frequencies shown nearby at 133.20KHz in UK & 133.24KHz in Argentina, having listened to the UK one it seems to have a sort of pulsing warble.
Pleased you managed to get the mini-whip parts, I think it is so good I am mainly using it instead og the G3LNP loop beacauce its not as restricted on frequency coverage & so small.
Gary - G4WGT
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Laurence KL1X
Sent: 09 August 2006 03:42
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: LF: Tstorms in Singapore (no surprise there)

Its Singapore's national day (41 years on 9th Aug) and we have had natural fireworks here as well as man made, so I took the lightning aiming point off the top of the hotel roof until the bad weather passes. The vertical is some 20ft above the highest lightning rod and I cant afford the law suit.  As well as that LF is poorer than off late and Ive lost some of my longer range ndb markers -
Scott - I have a birdie on 133.1 Khz  or so, warbles away most of the time but I dont think its that Canadian - suspect some controller somewhere here.  
Managed to get all the bits for the PAORDT  Mini-whip here including the 2N5106's, but again I had to go to all the components shops at the Mecca for all radio hams the Sim Lim area .. 4 sing dollars each. J310 50 cents sing  (1.5 sing to 1 usd)
Laurence OJ11
(we get a day off work)

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