hello all
thanks to Dick.Hereby the stations we are using:
PA3CPM is working with a modified 27 MHz rig,the president lincoln wich
generates the frequency in 0,5 Hz steps.It is amplified by a modified
Teletron powersupply wich delivers about 30 Watts.This is fed to a modified
27 MHz pa klv400 wich gives about 200 W.The antenna is a sloper about 11
meters high with 25 meters topload.
For my own station I use a Redifon synthesised drive unit SD1 at 13.6319
MHz.The output is devided by 100 to generate 1 Hz steps.This signal is
amplified and filtered to 100 W with two IRFP150 fets in the output
stage.Later on this signal will be fed to a tube pa with 4X PL519 who give
400 W.the antenna is 5 m hor and 12 m vert (to) close to the house with 25 m
Hope this informs you,
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]Namens Dick
Verzonden: vrijdag 2 juni 2006 20:11
Aan: [email protected]
Onderwerp: LF: LF activety..please add TX/ANT info
Hello all,
Very interesting to see the QRSS activety around, like from the PA3's.
It would be interesting to know what power and antenna are used by stations,
so please add this info when announcing (QRSS) LF activety.
By the way, will be active in normal CW myself next weekend june 10/11
Dick, PA4VHF (JO32EG)