I operated from Amberley museum site on 136kHz some years ago. The
antenna was strung out over a small but deep valley and I used small
trees as anchor points. The antenna was about 100m long. Antenna length
and a good ground seem more important than height.
Build in a lot of taps onto the loading coil to accommodate the wide
variations of loading required for different sites, antennas and grounds.
There is a road bridge, about 35m high, across a deep valley (which is a
park) in the centre of Luxembourg city - it would make an ideal LF
antenna support if you could get access to it. There are lots of hills,
valleys and trees throughout Luxembourg.
Peter, G3LDO
On 22/03/06, Dick <[email protected]> wrote:
Any suggestions for a DX-pedition antenna which is easy to built up,
and as efficient as possible?
Should be capable of withstanding 1kW.
Dick, PA4VHF (LX/PA6Z..........)