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Re: LF: WD2XES Slow Howl

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: WD2XES Slow Howl
From: Bill de Carle <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 18:06:44 -0500
Delivery-date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 23:07:13 +0000
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Seems to be working - your sig is audible - just heard your CW ident at regular speed
Good condx tonite
Bill VE2IQ

At 04:49 PM 11/13/2005, John wrote:
WD2XES is running the 2.5 bit/second version of WOLF on 137.422 kHz with 50
watts if anyone wants to give it a try. Decodes OK here, but that's no
miracle. The usual line timings are multiplied by four, so wait 96 seconds
for the first line decode! A quick check with Argo shows most of the energy
in a 4 Hz BW, with pretty much the entire visible signal in a 20 Hz BW.

2005-11-13 23:02:19 >WOLF  -r 8100 -f 799.95 -t 1.0 -w 0.0000
t:  96 f:-0.000 a: 0.5 dp:168.2 ci: 2 cj:109 WD2XES WOLF 2.5 -

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