KL1X will leave the rx on 137 Khz - two argo screens updating evey three or
so mins for the next week or so subject to black outs, moths, squirrels and
my friendly groundhog.
http://myweb.cableone.net/flow main web site KL1X
Normal Americas' sub band (friendly to our VE friends!)
Carrying the ZL/VA test grabs "channel"
From KL1X/ Mobile Oklahoma at 0250z - XKO is very strong (audible beneath
the S9 qrm) and beginnings of XGJ perhaps
If I compare this against the main array and TS870 Ive perhaps got 1dB s/n
imovement on the large tx loop, thats all. The E probe i on the car however
is within 200 ft of the loop and maybe getting a little ommpf coupling. All
seems well for the XE LF rxpedition
Good luck tonite chaps!
Laurence em26aq