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LF: DI2AG frequencies

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: DI2AG frequencies
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 16:48:01 EDT
Delivery-date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 21:48:31 +0100
Envelope-to: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Dear Walter,

my reading of DI2AG now is 440040.79  / 440036.78 Hz dash/dot (DFCW3). Especially for slower speeds, I would probably prefer a much smaller shift, like 1 Hz or less, if possible.

Best of luck, 73
- Markus

[email protected] wrote:

Dear friends,
        DI2AG on 440.044KHz is now QRV in DFCW with a 4Hz gap. Will transmit with 0.5W ERP this night and change from DFCW3 to DFCW30 at 22Z.
Your report is very welcome.
73   Walter DJ2LF 

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