Hello LFers...
Possible QRV in the morning on 135.922,5
Call "AB" QRSS120
Cheers , 73 , Joze S52AB
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 4:10
Subject: Re: LF: TA APR 2/3
Thanks Jay,
this is what it looked like
locally - so I all I could possibly claim here are a couple of weak dashes. I
had reduced my TX power by 2dB to sleep better - maybe I shouldn't have
73 and all the best Markus
In einer eMail vom 03.04.2005
13:23:55 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit schreibt [email protected]:
Only reception was early in the evening - and signal levels were
quite good. After that a large wind/rain storm over New England raised noise
levels. Fragments of NM as well as an uninvited