----- Original Message -----
From: "YU7AR" <[email protected]>
To: "hamilton mal" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 8:05 PM
Subject: Re[2]: LF: TA MAR 11/12
Hi Mal,
yes fackt is, mi RX and TX sistem is disproportional, now I test new
K9AY two turns loop for RX.
Tnx info Teo.
I live at a quiet QTH and so noise is not a problem either on the Vertical
or Loop but the loop has a better signal over noise in the E/W direction. In
the N/S direction the signals are in a null and poor reception.
My loop is 80 metres perimiter vertical and if you have space put up as big
a loop as possible and resonate it for 137 khz band.
Your vertical should also be good if your QTH is noise free from Industrial
noise etc.
It depends on your circumstances as regards environmental noise whether you
will be able to hear CW signals.
The big problem for most on LF is noise and they cannot receive properly.
We have worked before on CW but your signals is very loud here and hopefully
we can work again.
73 and gl de Mal/G3KEV