Hello everybody,
I received a message from Uli Henzler DF5SF, who does not subscribe
to any of the
reflectors whom this message is addressed to, the notice of a QRP
transmission starting
this Sunday evening in Jason fast mode. He asks for reception reports.
Here are the details :
The transmission will start this evening at 19:00 UTC until Friday,
22:00 UTC.
I have modified the JASON (FAST-Mode) session:
beginning with a 60(!) second long center frequency carrier (for
tuning, after 30 sec interrupted
with my CWID) and then
" DF5SF <message 6 characters> "
If I have time I change the message every day at abt. 19:00 UTC, but
not shure.
The center frequency is 10.140.125 +- 2 Hz
For further details see the attachment.
My equipment:
DDS-VFO with ATMEL AT90S2313 and AD9835 (Kit from www.qrpproject.de)
with oven
controlled oscillator, the "PA" is a video amplifier AD811.
Power is abt 90mW into a magnetic loop from MFJ, diameter abt 1m.
So lets look what happens
73 Alberto I2PHD
