An LF 'RTTY type waveform' already exists - Jason ! 'Normal' RTTY, even
at the narrowest shift / baud rate for any of the standard software, would
be far to wide to be sociable on LF.
Andy G4JNT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian G3YKB" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Linear modes
G3XDV writes:
>My question about linear amplifiers sparked some useful
>dialogue about eliminating the need for linears.
>If a new data mode is to be developed, it seems to me that
>two modes are needed. One for 'local' working in a CW
>bandwidth for those who do not wish to learn CW. The
>other in a much narrower bandwidth - the limiting factor
>being Loran lines - for intercontinental working.
As so few stations have linear power amplifiers, I wonder if
"keyboard activity" (particularly for "local ragchews") could
be encouraged by using an "old" mode such as fsk(rtty?) ?
Many of us have the necessary software (some may still have
the hardware!!).
Brian G3YKB
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