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LF: RE: Direction-sensitive waterfall display

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: RE: Direction-sensitive waterfall display
From: "Gary - G4WGT" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:47:15 +0100
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hi Wolf,
I am using Spectum Lab for most of my 136 monitoring etc, I have not used the RDF spectogram but there is one addition I beleive would be useful on the display, that is to have a small box (under the acqusition, capture & time buttons) that shows the QRSS Mode or the User Defined Mode that is in use at the time. I often run two screens of SL & I often forget which screen is running which mode. That is my small offering.
Gary - G4WGT.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: 14 August 2004 14:04
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Direction-sensitive waterfall display

Hello group,

An attempt to trigger some experimentation..

Is there any interest to use the direction-sensitive waterfall display (as first built by Markus DF6NM), or does anyone in the group use it at all (still, or already) ?

If so, I am thinking about adding a few new functions for this in the next release of Spectrum Lab. The basic RDF-spectrogram (alias colour-azimuth spectrogram) has been implemented in SL since two years or so, but -apart from Markus and myself- no-one seems to use it on 136 kHz. My own LF activity is very low at the moment, due to lack of an LF antenna at the club station DF0WD.

On even lower frequencies (ELF and VLF), the colour azimuth spectrogram has proved to be capable of digging signals out of the noise which were invisible on a classic (ampitude-only) waterfall.
On 136 kHz, with a crossed-loop antenna for LF and two-channel RX, the principle may have offer some improvement - if anyone has the time and a quiet location to build such a system. If you are quite new to this group and don't know what this is all about, look at


New functions which may be added (if there is some interest in this at all):

- adding a second or even a third nulling cardioid,
  to eliminate QRM from different directions
(at the moment, there is only ONE nulling direction implemented in SpecLab)

- modified noiseblanker, so that both channels are treated the same way
(at the moment, there are independent noiseblankers for both channels which
  makes no sense for the radio-direction finder)

- and some other goodies which are too tough to explain with my bad english.

Best regards,
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