[email protected] schrieb am 11.04.04 22:49:27:
Hello all,
I nearly finished my 50V/15A cont. powersupply.
Coming week I'll do some tests to see if it works well.
Unfortunatly I can't test the current limiter, as I doesn't have
a suitable dummyload.....
I think this was one of the most time consuming parts to built.
Next step will be building the G0MRF transmitter.
Meanwhile I received some FET's etc, but I'm still missing
some of the difficult parts, like the TC4426
Try at
Buerklin.com (Dr. Hans Bürklin, München) They have a minimum order of about EUR
25, I have ordered drivers from Micrel there.
, H11L1 (optocoupler)
It is possible to choose any opto-coupler. They all are rather slow in swiching times. My choise is allways CNY17 or SFH617 from Siemens/ Infineon.
and the 3C85/3C85 cores.
Nice cores has Oppermann Elektronik in D-31595 Steyerberg,
I recommend the core Order-Nr. BRK1667, EUR 8,62 or other Cores with
50mm...100mm Diameter and an relative permeability of 250...1500 /suitable and
available too).
You can also search the offers at HAM-Radio in Friedrichshafen (the flea-market, not the new parts offer) about 27. June 2004 in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constant.
If You need help in the calculus of magnetics and the choice of magnetic materials, ask me. I have professional experience in developing power-supplies "Resonanzwandlerschaltnetzteile" ("What a long word- It must be important" WE0H).
I really can't get them here.
Anyone in a Euro-country who can help me to get them for
a reasonable price??
Dick, pa4vhf
55, Hans-Albrecht Haffa
DK 8 ND, cba, qrz.com
++49 - 7161 - 87 847
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