----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 12:06
Subject: LF: Re: 136 khz LF
You can't possibly mean -5dBm.
Even if propagation were line of sight, at 200km
distance (near enough between you ?) Free space loss =
32.4+20LOG(f.d) [MHz, km] = 61dB. EIRP max 30dBm so
max power received assuming you antenna were 100% efficient (!!!!) could
only be -31dBm.
I don't think there can be a propgation mechnism
at these freqs where path loss can be less than line-of-sight. Unlike
ducting on microwave paths.
Using speclab this is what was indicated. Nothing
calibrated. Relative measurement signal above noise floor 55 db.
I expect to be really meaningful the system needs
to be calibrated. Next time I will try the calibrated LEVEL METER
The signal was very strong, likwise M0BMU is also
very strong. Large dog bones across the screen !!!!!!
Andy G4JNT
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 2:58
Subject: LF: 136 khz LF
Band quiet today at my observation times. Did
see G3YXM on QRS very strong signal at -5 dbm and 55 db signal above noise
73 de Mal/G3KEV