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Re: LF: re DCF <> Ghana

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: re DCF <> Ghana
From: "flo flo" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 01:13:47 -0800
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
18th June 2003 0900Z
Overnight storms washed out me and the tent plus other team members winds up to 50 mph and water about 6 inches deep in the field. 870 and array stayed on during horrendous t'storms and power loss for about 4 hours (good old battery back up). The loop was well guyed and stayed "beaming" OK.

Alans report on the iono is a very good "reflection" of what happens. At 1940Z the night time iono suddenly turns on and ramps up over an hour to max about 2200-0400. At 0300Z I was up sheltering from the storms and could audibly hear DCF39 thru the crashes. Drop off suddenly at 0410 this morning and earlier D layer reflection mode started before 0800Z. The signal during the daytime is very constant but in all cases both night and day has the 0.15Hz doppler/signature.

Detection of weak signals between 2100-2300 both on 137773.5 (just above) and 772.5. Just visible no call. No loran lines. The 870 is doing a more than credible job with the QRM/N..AGC back offed fully.

Spent 3 hours at the NCA yesterday but licence delayed further - "phone on Monday" - this looks like being a SWL expedition! But the propagation results are very interesting in any case.

Station continues to be on line and capturing.

Thanks to all for the emails and the support/encouragement! Keep on sending chaps....
vy 73
Laurence KL1X/GM4DMA Accra Ghana.

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