Dear LF group,
Saw MI0AYZ calling me yesterday evening - good copy after I had fiddled
with the RX loop orientation, but lost Ian's signal completely after
sending a report. No problem this morning around 0700utc, however, with "O"
reports exchanged. Ian's signal was weakly audible amongst the QRN crashes.
I also had good copy of G4JNT's low power beacon on 71.900kHz at QRSS3 and
QRSS10 speeds during the evening. I spent quite a while calling CQ for
cross-band QSOs, but had no takers - it was rather noisy on both 73 and 136.
Will be QRV again this evening - if anyone would like a sked of some sort,
let me know before about 1630utc - it's your last chance ever!
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU