Forgot to hit the "Start" button last night - DOH! -so no report this AM.
I've noticed others have had this happen from time to time. Wonder if
could find a "fix" for this...
Jay Rusgrove, W1VD
Yes, I have done this. You set the directory (folder for modern chaps),
filename and timing, push Enter and expect it to start capturing without
pushing the 'start' button. There are of course occasions when you would not
want to immediately start the captures, but perhaps a box could come up
asking whether you want to start capturing straight away. If would also help
if, when changing QRSS speed with capture on, the software prompted for a
change in capture timing (eg "Do you want to re-set the capture rate to one
These are, of course, only suggestions to be implemented (or not) when
Alberto has the time and enthusiasm. They are not intended as criticism of
this most useful and very reasonably priced software.
Mike, G3XDV