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LF: RE: IARU Region 1 position on 500kHz

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: RE: IARU Region 1 position on 500kHz
From: "John W Gould" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:35:59 -0000
Cc: "HF. Chairman List Member" <[email protected]>, Hartmut Büttig <[email protected]>
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
I thought that I would do a re-send as whilst I have had some good responses
I feel that we ought to have a few more volunteers, particularly from Region
1!  So come on guys - the more volunteers that we get the less the work for
each (within limits!).  I don't see the task as that huge, but one of
occasional e-mails gradually refining an understanding of the environment,
constraints and opportunities.  I also don't see too much in the way of IARU
interface issues, since we are only setting up a small international expert
group to see if we can make a sensible case for a band at or near 500kHz.

Offers to me direct please...

73 John, G3WKL
[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of John W Gould
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 07:24
To: [email protected]
Cc: HF. Chairman List Member; Vk4du@Gmdss. Com. Au
Subject: LF: IARU Region 1 position on 500kHz

My apologies for not bringing to this group's attention before the outcome
of a discussion of the RSGB paper on 500kHz, at the San Marino Region 1
Conference.  AMRAD have usefully summarised the position with the
in their Jan-Feb 2003 Newsletter, which I quote with their agreement:

"G3PSM chaired a working group of ON7ZV, PA0SHY, PA0AWN, ZL2AMJ and G4OUT.
The result was the adoption of Recommendation REC/02/SMC4.11, as follows:

A Working Group would be formed to investigate the possibility of a
frequency allocation of approximately 10kHz between 470-490kHz to
investigate propagation and the use of new communication technologies.  A
progress report should be circulated to the secretaries of Region 2 and
Region 3 for information."

I would add to that statement a comment to me from Colin, G3PSM on his
return that we should be looking in a post-WRC2003 timeframe to come back
with proposals in relation to this part of the spectrum, thus this is a
long-term issue.

As IARU Region 1 LF Coordinator I have assumed some responsibility for
forming a "500kHz Working Group" and have approached a few people to lead
such a group.  This has been without success, so I put the question to the
LF Group - Can I have volunteers please to work in a group, using
e-mail and
a dedicated website, to carry out the task detailed by the above
IARU Region
1 recommendation. Once a group has been formed it can choose its
chairperson. I would like to see an international membership of the Group,
hence the need to conduct business over the Internet.  Meeting together
would be expensive and probably difficult to arrange. Volunteers should
e-mail me directly rather than post to the reflector.

This e-mail has been copied to Colin, G3PSM and also Glenn, VK4DU (for
Region 3).

73 John, G3WKL
[email protected]

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