Hi Laurie,
Your QRSS signal received here (Wye, near Ashford in Kent) at 09:06 UTC
(Argo screen clip attached).
Clip shows AQC followed by K. I think you were sending some "ordinary" morse
at first (there was a faint, fuzzy line in Argo before the QRSS) - but I
couldn't hear anything through the speaker.
I think somebody replied to you, but I can't make out the morse characters.
I couldn't stay on radio very long because we had to out.
Ant: cardboard box 50cm x 50cm wound with 12 turns of 7/0.2 and resonated to
73kHz with22nF.
RX: Siemens Level Meter D2006 and Argo software.
Hugh M0WYE
