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LF: activity Sun 3rd Nov

To: "LF-Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: activity Sun 3rd Nov
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 13:38:55 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi all, I got wiped off 73k by a TV at 0903, so set up the web-capture page
and ran it for most of the morning. There was a lot of activity in Germany
but most not heard in the UK (by me at least) Reino was working loads of the
weak ones on qrss3, and was a good steady signal for most of the morning.
One interesting point is that he seemed to get stronger as the morning
progressed. This is in line with the daytime skywave plots that Brian
collects from DCF39. Best day-time signals are when the sun is overhead (or
due south at this time of year) at the mid-path point. As I have said
before....early morning ain't necessarily the best time.
The file below is what I use to annotate the web cappture times
but it starts at about 0910z and finishes about 1220z.

DL1EIE 136.5
ON6ND136.37 wkg F6BWO
F6CWN QRSS 137.48  G6RO cq 136.82
OH5UFO qrss 137.72   G3OLB 136.45
G3XIZ 136.50.  DN1VLF 137.7qrss
G3OLB 136.45.OH5UFO wkg DL3JMM
DL1EIE 136.46. DN1VLF qrss 137.7
DN1VLF wkg YO62QL ??(not seen)
G6RO 136.8.G3XIZ clg DL1EIE 136.5
DF0WD 136.5 cq. DJ2LF qrss 137.72
UFO wkg 2LF & DK1IS

anything above 137.4 is QRSS3 if not stated. Jeff F6BWO was around later

Not too many UK stations about though.

Cheers de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]
web capture page

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