Good to see you now have a waveform. I'm not too fond of your oscillator
circuit since it depends on the internal capacities and beta of the
transistor to work (and these are highly dependent on supply voltage and
temperatures). See what happens when you do a VDC sweep and a temperature
sweep. Also, your circuit may work ONLY because it is given a 'kick start'
from the VPULSE signal and may taper to 0 at a later time. Have you looked
are the output at a millisecond, or so, from the start to see if it is still
Have fun. This Pspice is the greatest thing since sliced bead (invented by
an American, of course <G>)!
-----Original Message-----
From: Alberto di Bene [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 5:08 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: PSpice question - success !
James Moritz wrote:
Try connecting a pulsed voltage source (VPULSE) in series with the tank
Jim and the group,
success ! I followed your advice, and now the circuit oscillates :
With Electronics Workbench no pulses need to be inserted, probably it
generates some noise
of its own to trigger the oscillation.
Thanks again to all who gave advice.
73 Alberto I2PHD
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