To: | [email protected] |
Subject: | Re[2]: LF: May 2-4 KN97LN Activity |
From: | "john sexton" <[email protected]> |
Date: | Mon, 6 May 2002 06:50:17 -0400 (EDT) |
Reply-to: | [email protected] |
Sender: | <[email protected]> |
From the 2 - 4 May, the RU6LWZ team made their last LF activity field trials of the 2001-2 season.
At the end of April the weather in this region became very favourable for agricultural work and on the 30th the fields we had been using were fully occupied by farming activities. On the 2nd of May we had to take down our Big vertical and that's why we weren't transmitting, on the 2nd. However instead we managed to mount some HF antennas on the summit of "Machty" (a local hill/mountain? Translator). We expect to be able to re-start our activities on LF around the end of September. I hope that the summer break on LF will allow us to better prepare and that the 2002-03 season will be more successful as measured by the number of QSOs achieved including new ones. For our intended activity during 2-4 May, several teams and individual Russian Hams had prepared to join forces on LF, but the only success came from RK2FWA. RK2FWA is the call sign of a very well known contest club from Kaliningrad (UA2 is a separate country in DXCC). RW2F takes part in the contests. The boys from RK2FWA (UA2FF, RN2FA) are some of the first to start to use LF in Russia during 2000. Thanks to all for support and help in mastering LF and for not being over critical of our lack of much success so far. We still need to better understand the sources of interference at our QTH, but we have come to realise that we don't live in the best place for LF with very powerful sources of QRM on our doorstep which come from many different directions. Question: Does anyone use an electromechanical filter on LF between the pre-selector and the Rx? We got hold of an experimental filter with a bandwidth of 2.1 kHz at the 3dB level and a centre frequency of 136.75 kHz. Reduction outside the band is more than 70 dB. We inserted it after a high quality third order Elliptic Band-pass filter. First impressions are hopeful, but there are uncertainties about its use with ARGO at the edge of the band. Does anyone have experimental experience with the use of such filters on LF? I realise that a crystal filter would most probably be better, but so far we have only managed to build an elecromechanical filter. Until we meet again on LF for the 2002-03 season. 73! Ed RU6LA mailto:[email protected] --- On Mon 05/06, Ed Lesnichy > Çäðàâñòâóé Äæîí! > Ïðîñüáà ïåðåâåñòè è îòîñëàòü â LF Group ìîé msg: > > Êîìàíäà RU6LWZ ïðåäïðèíÿëà ïîïûòêó 2-4 ìàÿ ïðîâåñòè ïîñëåäíþþ â ñåçîíå > 2001-02 àêòèâíîñòü íà LF. > Ñ êîíöà àïðåëÿ óñòàíîâèëàñü áëàãîïðèÿòíàÿ ïîãîäà äëÿ ñåëüñêîõîçÿéñòâåííûõ > ðàáîò è ñ 30 àïðåëÿ íà÷àëèñü àêòèâíûå àãðîðàáîòû íà èñïîëüçóåìûõ > íàìè ïîëÿõ. > Íàì ïðèøëîñü 2 ìàÿ äåìîíòèðîâàòü Big vertical, ïîýòîìó íàøåãî ñèãíàëà > íå áûëî íà LF. Íî íàì óäàëîñü íà÷àòü ìîíòàæ HF àíòåíí íà âåðõó ìà÷òû. > Ïðåäïîëîæèòåëüíî ìû ìîæåì âîçîáíîâèòü íàøó àêòèâíîñòü íà LF â êîíöå > ñåíòÿáðÿ. > Íàäåþñü, ëåòíèé ïåðåðûâ íà LF ïîçâîëèò íàì ëó÷øå ïîäãîòîâèòüñÿ è ñåçîí > 2002-03 áóäåò äëÿ íàñ áîëåå óñïåøíûì ïî êîëè÷åñòâó QSO è New One. > Ê íàøåé íàìå÷àâøåéñÿ àêòèâíîñòè 2-4 ìàÿ áûëè ãîòîâû ïîïðîáîâàòü ñâîè > ñèëû íà LF ñðàçó íåñêîëüêî êîìàíä è HAMs â Ðîññèè, íî óñïåõ > ñîïóòñòâîâàë > ïîêà òîëüêî RK2FWA. RK2FWA - ýòî ïîçûâíîé î÷åíü èçâåñòíîãî contest-êëóáà > èç Êàëèíèíãðàäà (UA2 - îòäåëüíàÿ ñòðàíà ïî DXCC).  ñîðåâíîâàíèÿõ > èñïîëüçóþò RW2F. > Ðåáÿòà èç RK2FWA (UA2FF,RN2FA) îäíè èç ïåðâûõ â Ðîññèè íà÷èíàëè îñâàèâàòü > äëèííûå âîëíû â 2000 ãîäó. > > Ñïàñèáî âñåì çà ïîääåðæêó è ïîìîùü â îñâîåíèè LF è íå î÷åíü ñòðîãèå > ïðåòåíçèè ê íàøåé íå î÷åíü óäà÷íîé ðàáîòå íà LF. > Íàì åùå íåîáõîäèìî ëó÷øå èçó÷èòü ïîìåõè â íàøåì QTH. Íî óæå ñåé÷àñ íàì > ïîíÿòíî, ÷òî ìû æèâåì íå â ëó÷øåì äëÿ LF QTH èç-çà îáèëèÿ ìîùíûõ > ïîìåõ, à ãëàâíîå ïðèõîäÿùèõ ñ ðàçëè÷íûõ íàïðàâëåíèé. > > È âîïðîñ: èñïîëüçîâàë ëè êòî èç HAMs íà LF ýëåêòðîìåõàíè÷åñêèå (ÝÌÔ) > ôèëüòðû ïîñëå Pre-selector è ïåðåä RX ? Íàì ñäåëàëè òàêîé > ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíûé > ôèëüòð ñ ïîëîñîé 2,1 kHz ïî óðîâíþ 3dB è ñðåäíåé ÷àñòîòîé 136,75 kHz. > Çàòóõàíèå âíå ïîëîñû áîëåå 70 dB. Ìû ïîñòàâèëè åãî ïîñëå High-quality > 3-order Eliptic Band-pass filter. Ïåðâûå âïå÷àòëåíèÿ îáíàäåæèâàþò, íî > åñòü âîïðîñû ïðè åãî ïðèìåíåíèè ñ ARGO â êðàéíèõ ó÷àñòêàõ äèàïàçîíà. Ó > êîãî åñòü îïûò ýêñïåðèìåíòîâ ñ òàêèìè ôèëüòðàìè íà LF? > Ïîíèìàþ, ÷òî êâàðöåâûé ôèëüòð âèäèìî ëó÷øå, íî ïîêà óäàëîñü ñäåëàòü > òîëüêî ýëåêòðîìåõàíè÷åñêèé. > > Äî âñòðå÷è íà LF â ñåçîíå 2002-03! > > 73! Ed RU6LA mailto:[email protected] > > > Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web! |
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