I have today been testing a Siemens Pegelmesser
D2155 as a LF receiver.
Freq range 200 hz - 620 khz. B/widths 20 hz and 3.1
khz. Mode lsb/usb.
This instrument makes a fb LF receiver for 73 and
136 khz, with the narrow 20 hz filter and superb sensitivity. With my 90 metre
perimiter loop and vertical I have to throttle the RF attenuater well back even
on the weakest signals. The Siemens and the W & G spm-12 peform about the
I intend to use both for space diversity reception,
one fed by the vertical and the other the loop, then combine the af
I hope to hear some transatlantic signals later on
in the year with this setup. These selective pegelmessers outperform any other
receiver that I tried on LF, including the FT1000mp/
FT847/IC746/IC706/TS850/TS50, the performance of these receivers are acceptable
and some are much better than others but sensitivity is generally poor
on LF, and selectivity with the normal 200 hz filter is too wide, although
those with DSP are better.
I use a DSP processer but it is not really
necessary with those pegelmessers fitted with 20/25 hz
Pegelmessers in mint/execllent condition are not
cheap but compared to alternatives which were never designed for LF working are
better value.
73 de Mal/G3KEV