How about contacting the web master at RSGB HQ? Brandon the IT manager should be able to help.<br><br>At 10:19 11/02/02 EST, you wrote: <br>>>>><br><blockquote><?fontfamily><?paramarial><?smaller>Hello. <br><br>Sorry for the off topic message. <br><br>I was trying to set up a web site for my local club, using webspace at the RSGB. <br><br>Despite looking for abt 30 mins I couldn't locate any information on how to set up a 'name' and upload the HTML. <br><br>Has anyone done this? <br>Does anyone know the procedure or the relevant 'help' file? <br><br>Thanks <br><br>David G0MRF<?/smaller> <br><?/fontfamily></blockquote><?fontfamily><?paramarial><<<<<br><br><?/fontfamily><br>