I just had a play with the IZ8BLY program and it looks to me like the FM
Hell 105 Baud is the only one that would be useable on a crowded band. The
rest of them seem to fill half the band with sidebands.....
I would be very interested to see which one proves most effective though.
I'll look out for you in Hell, but which one??
Hello LF Group,
if you hear a strange noise on 137.400 kHz its probably me, I am doing some
tests in "FELDHELL"-mode on that frequency in the evening and probably also
during the weekend. I hope that the bandwidth I produce is not causing any
trouble, theoretically it should be in the range of 125 Hz. I use the fine
software written by IZ8BLY, available at so I
can also change to the other HELL modes that are implemented in the
See you in HELL